
..::''Chip va Deyl'' - adashlar guruhi...::..
Chip va Deyl "Chip va Deyl" guruhi yuksak cho`qqilarni zabt etishni ko`zlagan holda ijodiy faoliyatini boshladi. Hozirgi kungacha uch qo`shiq yaratgan Chip va Deyl tomonidan yangi taronani qarshi oling.

Chip - Shuhrat Kamalov Mannon Uyg`ur nomidagi san`at institutining birinchi kurs talabasi. Uning ko`zlagan maqsadi aniq.
Xalq hurmat e`tiboriga tushgan san`atkor bo`lish. Bir-biridan ajoyib taronalar yaratib, muxlislar e`tiboriga xavola etish.

Deyl - Shuhrat Nazarmuhamedov, O`zbekiston Davlat Jahon tillari universiteti Ingliz tili filologiyasi fakultetining 3-bosqich talabasi. Kichikligidan orzu qilganligi uchun qo`shiqchi bo`lgan. Buni qrangki, yoshligidagi ozru bugungi kunda haqiqatga aylanmoqda.
Ijodini boshlaganiga uncha ko`p vaqt bo`lmagan bo`lsa-da, bu guruh vakillari yangi qo`shiqlar yozishga bel bog`lashgan. "Chip va Deyl" "Sevmasa sevma" qo`shig`idan so`ng, "Va`da ber" deb nomlangan qo`shiq yaratdi. Deyarli shu kunlarda yozib bitkazilgan qo`shiqni siz, birinchilardan bo`lib tinglaysiz.
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8. advvhh [Материал]

7. icelloninob [Материал]
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5. huanievua [Материал]
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4. Nivodogom [Материал]

3. Spanish John [Материал]

great forum lots of lovely people just what i need

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2. rickyk5 [Материал]
Hi there everybody, I just signed up on this wonderful community and wanted to say howdy! Have a amazing day!

1. RemcoD [Материал]
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Thanks and good luck everyone! ;)

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